Tuesday, November 27, 2018

What is E security?

                  What is E security?

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eCommerce security refers to the principles which guide safe electronic transactions, allowing the buying and selling of goods and services through the Internet, but with protocols in place to provide safety for those involved.

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What are the types of e marketing?

    What are the types of e-marketing?

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  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Search engine marketing (SEM)
  • Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)
  • Content marketing.
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • Affiliate marketing.
  • Email marketing.

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What is the definition of e marketing?

        What is the definition of e-marketing?

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Internet marketing, or online marketing, refers to advertising and marketing efforts that use the Web and email to drive direct sales via electronic commerce, in addition to sales leads from websites or emails.

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What are the 4 sectors of industry?

       What are the 4 sectors of industry?

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  • The primary sector involves the extraction of raw materials and natural resources. ...
  • The secondary sector turns these raw materials into products. ...
  • The tertiary sector is also known as the service sector.

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What is industry explain?

           What is the industry explain?

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The industry is the production of goods or related services within an economy. ... Manufacturing industry became a key sector of production and labour in European and North American countries during the Industrial Revolution, upsetting previous mercantile and feudal economies……..

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Monday, November 26, 2018

Why are diplomatic relations important?

    Why are diplomatic relations important?

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Modern international relations give us deep cultural understanding that is a foundation for interaction with cultures with different values and beliefs. And we, as well as countries, need to communicate to survive. All nations depend on trade and exchanges with others can be beneficial in many ways.

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Who is the best friend of India?

       Who is the best friend of India?

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It is for this prime Minister Narendra Modi said in December 2014, during Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to India: “Even a child in India, if asked to say who is India's best friend Vladimir Putin's visit to India: “Even a child in India, if asked to say who is India's best friend, w nd, ws reason that Pill reply it is Russia because Russia has been with India in times of crisis.”

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Who wrote India today?

                 Who wrote India today?

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India Today was established in 1975 by Vidya Vilas Purie (owner of Thompson Press), with his daughter Madhu Trehan as its editor and his son Aroon Purie as its publisher. At present, India Today is also published in Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam and Telugu. The India Today news channel was launched on 22 May 2015.
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Saturday, November 24, 2018

What is medical field?

             What is the medical field?

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The medical field has a range of career opportunities such as physicians, nurses and radiographers. If you can cope well in stressful situations and have compassion, patience, and physical stamina, a career in medicine is a good fit for you. You must also demonstrate excellent communication, math and technical skills.

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What are the four types of hospitals?

    What are the four types of hospitals?

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  • Hospitals. types include general, speciality, government and university or college medical centres.
  • Long Term Care facilities. provide assistance and care for residents. ...
  • Medical Offices. ...
  • Dental Offices. ...
  • Clinics. ...
  • Optical Centers. ...
  • Laboratories. ...
  • Home Health Care.

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How many years is MBBS?

        How many years is MBBS?

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Course & Duration. The MBBS is a 5.5 year (4.5 years academic education1 year mandatory internship) UG degree programme leading to the two degrees as Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. The MBBS is one of the most sought courses after 12th science in the medical field.

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What is PharmD salary?

       What is a PharmD salary?

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In 2015, full-time pharmacists made between $90,000 and $140,000 a year, with the average annual salary coming in between $112,000 and $119,000, depending on the data source. Staff pharmacists at mail-order pharmacies were the lowest paid in 2015, earning an average wage of $56.69 per hour.

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Which degree is best MBBS or MD?

     Which degree is best MBBS or MD?

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order to be eligible to apply for an M.D. degree from the UK or Commonwealth University, one must hold either a "Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery" (MBBS, MBChB, BMBS for example) degree, or an equivalent U.S.-M.D. degree and must usually have at least five years of postgraduate experience.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

What is agrarian reform beneficiaries?

    What is agrarian reform beneficiaries?

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 Agrarian Reform Beneficiary refers to farmers who were granted lands under Presidential Decree No. 27, the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law and Republic Act No. 9700 or the "Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Extension with reforms" and regular farmworkers who are landless, irrespective of tenurial arrangement, who ...

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What are the agricultural policies?

        What are the agricultural policies?

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Agriculture/PolicyThe agricultural policy describes a set of laws relating to domestic agriculture and imports of foreign agricultural products. ... Such subsidies are necessary when a government wants to alter the free-market outcome in product markets.

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Friday, November 16, 2018

Tax Loss Harvesting

               Tax Loss Harvesting

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Tax Loss Harvesting occurs within our investment management solution, the tax planning aspect of it comes into play once you have successfully harvested the taxes.  We explore methods to apply the harvested losses in the most efficient manner possible, including ordinary income offsetting.  We also can advise on the impact of tax gain harvesting, to capture step-up basis on investments.

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How long biceps rest after workout?

    How long biceps rest after a workout?

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Some research suggests that because muscle soreness can peak two days post-exercise, a minimum of 48 hours of rest is optimal to allow recovery and prevent injury—at least among the competitive athletes who were studied. Rack pulls and pullups hit back mainly but biceps too.

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How many reps to do for biceps?

     How many reps to do for biceps?

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For strength, perform two to six sets per biceps exercise for no more than six repetitions. It is also important to give your biceps adequate rest time between sets so that you can continue to lift heavy. Rest two to five minutes between your sets and increase the weight if you can do more than six reps.

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How often should you train biceps for maximum growth?

How often should you train biceps for maximum growth?

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Generally speaking, you want to train arms in the 8-15 rep range twice a week with less then a minute between sets and a minimum of 10 sets (if you're doing arms on their own day). Repeat the above until you have down 6 sets each of bi's and tris. Repeat the above until you have down 6 sets each of bis and tris.

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How to make Biceps & Abs ?

         How can I work my biceps without weights?

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  1. Arm circles. This arm exercise targets your triceps, biceps, and shoulders. ...
  2. Tricep dip. While sitting on a chair, grip the edge of the seat with your hands and stretch your legs out in front of you. ...
  3. Inverted row. This exercise targets your biceps. ...
  4. Push-ups. ...
  5. Pull-ups. ...
  6. Plank. ...
  7. Downward Dog. ...
  8. Handstands and Headstands.

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What is the difference between asset and wealth management?

What is the difference between asset and wealth management?

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Wealth management is quite broader in perspective and includes asset management services, investment management, real estate planning, tax planning, etc. Asset management, on the other hand, is related to the management of assets and investments such as stocks, bonds, real estate and other assets.

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What is a career in wealth management?

  What is a career in wealth management?

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n addition to investment services, wealth management clients is provided with tax planning, estate planning and retirement planning services. The job of providing these services is typically split between relationship managers and investment professionals. The job of the relationship manager is to know the client.

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Income tax planning includes multiple factors:

Income tax planning includes multiple factors:

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Balance is a good idea when deciding how much to contribute to retirement plans. Families with significant taxable assets (those created with after-tax dollars) have considerably more flexibility and stability when major sums are required, such as for a vacation, home remodelling, a business opportunity, or a family emergency.

Investment management for non-retirement plan accounts should always take taxes into consideration. For years dividends and capital gains subjected one to the maximum tax rates. First, capital gains were given preferential treatment, and then, within the last few years, dividends also are now eligible for favourable tax treatment. Gains and losses should be evaluated to see if “loss harvesting” can improve a portfolio while reducing taxes from the sale of appreciated assets. Mutual funds in the past have generated unexpected and undesired taxes, so care should be taken in their selection and monitoring.

Tax-free income through the use of municipal bonds sounds appealing to everyone, and for the right person and situation can be an intelligent choice. As with so many things, however, there are trade-offs here as well, and tax-free bond funds should be studied very carefully.

Tax-deferred programs are easy for financial services people to sell, and they too have much to recommend them. Compared to most other tax-advantaged programs, however, tax-deferred products (such as annuities) have significant costs and traps that can reduce their overall effectiveness in many cases.

There are investment programs that generate tax deductions or, even better, tax credits. As with anything else, there are costs and disadvantages and usually, these programs should be used only by the more sophisticated investors with qualified tax, legal, and investment guidance.

Finally, today's tax management issues are complicated by the creep of Alternative Minimum Tax
 (AMT). The tax code requires taxes to be computed under two formulas, the regular tax code and the AMT schedule. You must pay according to whichever system generates a higher number. Originally, AMT was created to make sure the "super wealthy” paid their fair share, but now inflation has brought millions of people into AMT in a way never intended. Both political parties talk about the importance of reforming AMT but agreeing on how to change it has been difficult.

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Estate Planning

                  Estate Planning

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For families whose wealth is exposed to death taxes, estate planning is an essential exercise. Wills and trusts can protect against unnecessary taxes. Prudent gifting can help successor generations now while reducing taxes later. Life insurance can provide liquidity to pay for taxes which cannot reasonably be avoided and where family assets are concentrated in non-liquid investments, such as real estate or businesses. Life insurance, however, requires a willingness to part with dollars during a lifetime in order to provide significantly greater funds for survivors at death. Is life insurance “expensive"? It depends upon one's definitions and the consideration of the time value of money.

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Building for the Future, Enjoying the Present

Building for the Future, Enjoying the Present

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Tax Planning is a delicate process. It requires the integration of tax law, investment management, and risk management to achieve overriding goals or objectives. One should focus on the objectives (wealth accumulation, asset transfer, protecting loved ones, etc.) and then use tax planning to optimize the planning. Those who make minimization of taxes as the ultimate goal usually must sacrifice some other objective. This is why “balancing” is necessary—so that tax planning does not become an end itself but only part of the overall wealth management process.

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Tax Planning – An Integral Part Of Wealth Management

Tax Plax Planning – An Integral Part Of Wealth Management tanning

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When it comes to tax planning, nothing is simple. For example, first, you need to consider your marginal tax rate — this is the regular rate you’ll pay on your next dollar of “ordinary income” (salary, business income, interest and more).
Then there’s the alternative minimum tax (AMT), which was designed to ensure wealthy taxpayers with “excessive” deductions would pay some income tax. The top AMT rate is lower than the top regular income tax rate on ordinary income. But the AMT rate typically applies to a higher taxable income base. So if you plan only for regular income taxes, it can result in unwelcome tax surprises.
You also need to consider the various tax deductions and credits that could save you taxes. On the other hand, income-based phaseouts and other limits can reduce or eliminate the benefits of these breaks, effectively increasing your marginal tax rate.
That’s why, no matter what your situation, it’s important to review your income, expenses and potential tax liability throughout the year, keeping in mind the many rates and limits that can affect income tax liability — and keeping an eye out for additional tax law changes. Only then can you time income and expenses to your advantage.
One of the most beneficial areas of expertise we offer to our clients is tax planning. With a seasoned tax expert on our team in Tim Agnew and consistent monitoring of the potential tax implications on investments, we are able to provide a well-rounded tax-inclusive approach to wealth management that can both limit our clients’ tax liability and provide efficient investing as they strive to meet their financial goals.
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What is the first day of Durga Puja called?

  What is the first day of Durga Puja called?

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Saptami (October 16, 2018), the first day of Durga Puja, is when the holy presence of Goddess Durga is invoked into the idols in a ritual called Pran Pratisthan.

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Why was Durga created?

           Why was Durga created?

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The Gods beseeched the Holy Trinity of Bramha, Vishnu and Shiva to save them. ... All the gods chipped in with Their power and finally, Goddess Durga was formed. The creation of Goddess Durga was possible due to the combined power of all the gods. As a result, She is the most powerful deity in the world.

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Dharmendra Yadav, SP Leader | 13 Point Roster

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